Friday, October 23, 2009

Can Coffee lower your Type 2 Diabetes ?

If you’re a coffee drinker, and you start your day with a steaming cup of joe, you could be protecting your health as well as jump-starting your morning. Report shows that coffee may or could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A source say to get the most benefit of the coffee you will have to fill your cup over and over again, and again.
There are many scientific studies that indicate a link between regular coffee drinking and a decreased risk of getting the type 2 diabetes. Studies show that the more coffee people consumed the greater protection against the disease itself. So Check with your doctor and find out if the word is Coffee. If your doctor can confirm that it is safe ,then drink up.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Foot care for the Diabetic

As a diabetic, it is good to make sure that you get your feet checked by your health provider. Feet can be very tricky when it comes down to diabetes, especially if you get a cut. Infection can and will happen if you don't check your feet regular. Have someone check your feet daily . Tell your provider that you have an infection if you do. Make sure, after a bath you dry between your toes. If you must, wear diabetic socks. They keep your feet cool and keep them from rubbing in your shoes. There are many types and brands of socks to choose from. Diabetic socks are not tight against your legs and feet .They feel really good .If you have to wear diabetic shoes ,get your feet measured. Always remember to wear comfortable shoes . When, around the house ,wear slippers, they help protect your feet from small sharp objects in the home. Never wear your slippers outside. Slippers don't have a hard sole like your shoe , so therefore they can not protect your feet.

Gestational Diabetes : What to do if faced with this.

Here is an article that may help some of you moms that may develop Gestational Diabetes being pregnant is wonderful, you want to make sure that you get the best care of all. Check with your health provider if you find any of the symptoms in this article. This article is for only information purposes only . Eat right and what what you eat at all times . Get plenty of rest and feel good. Wishing you all the best in your delivery. href="">

Monday, October 5, 2009

Picking A Good Blood Gulcose Meter!

Keeping track of your Blood Glucose level you will have to get a meter. When getting a meter, ask your health care provider on how to use. Instructions usually come with the meter. Most health providers carry meter's at the office. So if your doctor gives you a meter this is probably the one that will work best for you. Meter prices have gone down a lot. There is a lot of people that need meters and testing supplies and your insurance will help you get the supplies that you need. If not, there are agencies that can help you acquire them. Make sure that your use the right test strip for that meter. Have everything close by just in case you have a bad feeling, sugar can be high or low. I am sure you have mastered the difference by now. Wash hands all times and keep Alcohol wipes in your bag. Remember you want the site kept clean while testing. Always record your results. There are meters that can do all that for you now ,you just have to know how to work and enter information. Never, keep your meter in a hot or cold place. This will give your meter a negative false reading. If having , a low reading make sure that you keep some candy or juice on hand . I prefer orange Juice. THE orange juice is very refreshing and will bring back a good feeling to you. **** DON'T DRINK TO MUCH JUICE YOU WILL DEVELOP HIGH BLOOD SUGAR***** Good luck !

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Astra has hit new target

Here is an article on a new drug that has hit the target . read and find out of this is for you always check with your provider and eat well and exercise . Keeping yourself well with Diabetes's.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Recently diagnosed : Get The Facts!

Have you, or a loved one, ever been diagnosed with Diabetes. It takes a toll on your whole body.It causes emotional stress,fear all sorts of things can go on . It is best to seek medical attention when feeling ill. It could be other aliment's that your doctor can rule out. The American Diabetes Association has great information. Always, check with your doctor and have a check up regulary with an eye exam .

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What, How, And When You Eat Can Affect Your Diabetes.

Did you know that certain foods are higher in salt, for instance,canned soup,pickles,and luncheon meat. Most of us love to eat these foods ,but for a diabetic person it is not healthy. We need to eat more whole grain breads,cereals and pasta. Let's try eating less meat,sweets and fats. we need more fresh fruits everyday. Try using plain yogurt instead of sour cream also use mustard instead of mayonnaise. You can use these things but very little. A little bit of low fat and fat free salad dressing are also good. One thing always read your labels when shopping. Most of the time, these foods are high with fat even though it will say low fat. It's hard to try to find some foods that won't hurt your blood sugar. Exercise is best too. It will get the energy going and help you feel well. If your on a sick day try to move around some . A little light walking will do the trick. If your can't go outside, you can walk in place. Oh , don't think that you have to give up your fried chicken , you can shake and bake and it is healthier and crunchy too. Once in a while you can eat a piece of fried chicken just don't over do it. You can bascialy eat anything just remember your portion. Use control of how and where,and what you eat. Try drinking water most of the time. It does a body good. Eating smaller meals with water helps to control hunger. Always talk with your doctor or diabetic teacher about how much and how many meals and snacks to eat each day. Be Well!