Spring has left and summer has rolled in, Out doors can be so much fun. Summertime is fun time. You can go swimming, go to family BBQ's and enjoy the weather. But wait, What about my medication that I'm on it says "Stay out of the sun ". I really want to enjoy myself with the others. Well you can ! You can do just like everyone else . ENJOY YOURSELF ! You don't have to be indoors all the time because your a diabetic. You have to prepare yourself, When enjoying the summer time plan ahead. Try to do activities in the morning time when it's cooler. Let your friends know that your down for some fun but you have to be careful in the heat. Prepare a special bag with your medications, if on insulin you can purchase one of those bags that have insulation in them. This will keep your insulin cool and ready available . Always carry water with you. It is best to drink water while in the sun, also carry a small portable umbrella and Always protect your eyes form the sun's rays. There are some neat shades that will fit you and you will look cool too. (HA HA) If your going to a pool or the beach wear rubber shoes, they fit comfortable on your feet and they protect your feet from shells or whatever. I wear them in my pool, I can't stand to not have anything on my feet. This will help you feel more confident in sand or in the water. Try'em you'll like them. Also sun screen, a little sun won't hurt ya here's a fact you get vitamin D . But in this case, you need a little sunscreen. There are all sorts you find one that suits you ok . I always carry a piece of candy and some orange juice handy . Nothing like a refreshing sip of orange juice. It will perk up that lazy body when you have a low. Careful don't drink too much you can get a high.(those of you who are diabetic know what a high and a low are). Always carry enough medication with you ,you don't know what can happen. Some times you may get stuck somewhere and you want to be prepared. Do you have a medi alert bracelet ? You don't ! You gotta get one . This is good for emergencies.
Just be prepared. I wonder if I left out any thing oh yeah HAVE FUN ENJOY YOUR DAY OUT and when the night time rolls in and your ready to check in don't go out and have more fun.
BE WEll!
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