When your sick your blood glucose (sugar)levels can get very high. This can cause you to have very serious problems and can cause you to go into a coma. The best way to prevent a minor illness from becoming a major problem is to make sure that you have a plan for any sick days. You will make sure that you have all that you need to keep you feeling safe even if your sick.
When your sick your body is under stress. to deal with this stress your body has to release hormones that will fight off the disease. These hormones has its side effects. They raise blood sugar levels an interfere with the blood sugar-lowering effects of insulin.
When your sick it is harder, to keep your blood sugar in your target range.
lets make a sick day plan in advance. Working with your doctor ,or a diabetes educator is best, they can guide you into making a plan just for you. They will tell you when to take your sugar and how to eat and what medications to take. Also get your doctors number,this way you can reach them morning noon and night . IF you get sick on the weekends or holidays you can be prepared. You don't need to call your doctor every time you have a runny nose, or ache. You will want to call if certain things happen like :
if your sick or had a fever for a couple of days and your not getting any better.
you have diarrhea and you have a nauseated feeling ,or vomiting for more than 3 hours
your sugar level is higher than 240 even though you have taken your medication your sick plan calls for.
your breathe smells fruity or your lips or your tongue are dry and cracked (dehydration)
if your uncertain that you don't know what to do to take care of yourself !
When sick, you still need to continue taking your medication for your diabetes. Even if you're throwing up still take your medicines. You need to take them your body makes extra glucose(sugar) when your sick .
Here's the handy snack list these foods contain 10 to 15 grams of carbohydrates
these are fluids
1 Popsicle
1 cup of Gatorade
1 cup of milk with a handful of cheerios
1/2 cup of fruit juice
1/2 cup regular soft drink (not the diet kind)
6 saltines
4 vanilla wafers
3 lifesavers
2 graham crackers
1/2 cup of cooked cereal
sugar free pudding 1/2 cup of custard 1/2 cup of mash potatoes.
You maybe taking other medications due to a cold so be careful, if you have a cold or cough you will need to take cough medicine, check the label first these medicines can have extra sugar and will make your levels rise sky high.
If you ever need to see the doctor at the emergency room let them know that you are a diabetic, that's why its good to have your id bracelet stating that your a diabetic just in case you cant speak for yourself. Have a list of all medications that your taking this will be very helpful to the doctor and his medical team. BE WEll !
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